We want to contribute to the sustainable development of tomorrow’s shipping and the ports of the future

We are living in intense times as the ports in Umeå and Vaasa are being adapted for tomorrow’s needs. In addition to the physical construction projects that include new areas and more berths, smarter storage possibilities, deeper fairways, and even better opportunities to receive larger vessels, we participate in various research and innovation projects. The aim is to create logistics solutions for tomorrow, develop the ports and our operations.

Read more about the different projects below. If you are interested in the construction projects in the ports, please check Construction projects Vaasa and Construction projects Umeå.

Co funded by EU


The city of Vaasa has set an ambitious goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 202X (before 2030). The EU has also raised its 2030 climate target and committed to reducing emissions by at least 55% by 2030. This is also related to the national climate-neutral Finland 2035 climate and energy strategy. The port of Vaasa plays a key role not only in terms of the city's objective, but also in terms of the region's industry in achieving carbon neutrality targets.

The starting point of the project is to clarify the port's ecosystem, the needs and requirements of its operators and the port's role and opportunities in achieving carbon neutrality goals. The work seeks answers to such questions as how to integrate the port into an ecosystem that is developing in an increasingly carbon-neutral direction, for example in energy concepts and solutions. The nature of the project is roadmap work, and its goal is primarily to enable long-term and planned work for the pursuit of carbon neutrality in the ecosystem.

The port ecosystem needs a strong, flexible basis for the development of the port's services and the use of space to achieve its goals.

  • Project time: 1.11.2022-31.10.2024
  • Budget: 346 027 euros
  • Project partners: Kvarken Ports, Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK